Friday 16 December 2016


I developed my my blogging  by posting more frequently, i feel my researching has been effective with helping me plan my narrative for my music video. I also found that researching helped with displaying common conventions with planning out my music video, when planning locations outfits and tone. My blogging research presents clear connections of how its influenced my work and how compose my music video. I am relative happy with the amount of independent post i have accumulated. overall i have 70 blog posts, targets i will set my self is to use a wider range of applications to present my work and have more research blogs

Previous Students Work

Monday 5 December 2016

Evidence of Editing - Selina Dennis

Special effects and colour grading - Sam Jahan-Ahmed


(note to self: put on paper and then reupload)
In what way does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

- Talk about how we fit the conventions of Andrew Goodwin, for example, eye contact with the camera, amplification etc.
- Talk about the conventions of the indie pop genre; The genuine artist that we have created, the performance element with the studio, the utilisation of performance, the setting.
- Talk about Mulvey's theory - How have we presented our female artist? Does this challenge conventions of females in music videos?
- In terms of filming discuss the conventions of music videos such as the angle, framing and movement. Discuss the use of the fig rig instead of the tripod and the use of movement generally with the tracking, panning and zooming shots.
- Talk about the lip synching and how that went, whether we cut to the beat.

Following the elements of music video theorys - Sophie Barber

Notes for evaluation

  • In what way does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

I will use a Padlet form to present my work. I feel that this would be a great way to present my work as all the work i analysis can be seen all together. This i feel is better way to present as i can make annotations instead of put large form of information In a giant paragraph.

  • How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text ?

I will present this question this question with Thinglink.

  • what have you learned from your audience feedback?
I will present my feed back by embed my received response from YouTube, I will then respond to it 

  • how did you use media technologies in the construction and research and evaluation stages?
i will present my work in a Camtasia, I feel this is effective way to do this as i can visual show and present annotations step by step of how i used each individual technology.
I will have 3 videos demonstrating 3 different uses of technology :

  1. video 1, will show how I made my album cover from digi-pax in Photoshop
  2. video 2 , I will show how I edited my music video in Premier Pro
  3. video 3, I will show how I present work, which blogger, applications such as Padlet and research my work to aid me and help me find inspiration 

Thursday 1 December 2016

blogging health 2

Editing 30/12

we had placed our based tracks down and introduced and intro into the edit and we cut and delete tracks and we now are creating a narrative sequence in editing