This music video would appeal the the core and wider audience as it will conform to the genre conventions and show artist and its brand. It will have brands of clothing that relate to the audience, such as Nike maybe Adidas.
Portfolio Audience
There name of the our core audience is Georgia is female, she lives in east Anglia, she's is 18 she white British, student, they buy their groceries from Asda, they spend there time on tumblr and other social media sites, they also spend time reading, the news paper they read the sun or the metro. The magazines they read from ok! they use public transport such as buses, they use apple Iphones a tablet/IPad. There brands that they are attracted to are Nike and Forever 21 and Topshop.
There often buy there clothes from here and from Primark and super stores such as Westfields. Favourite drink is from Starbucks, there would go on holiday to France or Spain. They like the artists as they like there clothing and the style of music.
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