Monday 30 January 2017

EVALUATION - Question 1

Made with Padlet

I have chosen Halsey as she is of the same indie pop genre. As you can see, her colour palette is also similar to mine with the pinks and blues. She also has a simplistic white font. My digipak has a similar aesthetic to Halsey's digipak as she has a plain cover for the back of her outside cover. This allows us to see her track listing clearly. As a convention, her track listing is centre frame and her product information is at the bottom. She has a barcode too. My digipak, shown above does the same and this supports the conventions used in my digipak. Unlike Halsey my artist is facing the audience directly and the title is at the top, much bigger than the album name placed at the bottom. This is because Halsey has chosen a more unconventional route, much like her aesthetic but I have chosen to stick with traditional digipak styles for a new artist so there is more chance of promotion for Sophie a as a new artist. The CD again shows an unconventional approach as "BADLANDS" is bigger than her name. The CD shows product information unlike mine which I should've done as a convention. The tour poster shows a picture very similar to the album cover but from a different angle, showing synergy between the album and advert. This is similarly done in my magazine advert. This time Halsey's name is bigger, following traditional format for a new artist, as I have too done. I have not included tour dates which is typical for this genre especially as live performance is key to indie/indie-pop.


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