Saturday 7 January 2017


Whilst creating my mock up of the back cover I decided to go with one of the art walls in the locations we filmed in (Brick Lane). This was to create a sense of synergy and provide correlation to our music video to familiarise the audience we our branding and artist image. Alongside this, this particular piece of art fit really well with the warm autumnal colour scheme that I really wanted to incorporate in my work, as I am branding an indie-pop artist and this is a typical colour palette. There are three images above as I was playing around with what looked best, a full image or an image with a colour bottom. I was looking at which positioning of the track titles looked best. After testing out with three, I decided I liked the full image of the art wall with the track on either side in a white simplistic font as chosen by our group beforehand.

The picture in the album above of the blue art wall with the writing on it is the image I will be using for the CD tray, the part of the digipak where the CD will be. It also corresponds to the art walls and creates a synergous link. It also fits the colour scheme yet again perfectly!
These are not the pictures I will be using in regards to the pictures of Sophie, they are just a similar angle. I have chosen these as they resemble shots in the music video and create a corresponding synergy. These are not the colours I will be using either but the pictures will match the colour palette.

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